
Around the world in 80 days

Rendez-vous storytelling

About us

With the opening of a new railroad line in India, it's now possible to circumnavigate the globe in 80 days! At least, that's what the Morning Chronicles claims, but nobody believes it. "I'll wager twenty thousand pounds that I'll go round the Earth in eighty days or less, or one thousand nine hundred and twenty hours or one hundred and fifteen thousand two hundred minutes. Do you accept?" This is the crazy wager Phileas Fogg makes to his friends, before setting off on an adventure between trains and liners with his valet Jean Passepartout. Will he make it in time as the police pursue him, suspecting him of having robbed the Bank of England?

Did you know?

In 1889, investigative journalist Nelly Bly, launched the challenge she would carry out andattra Phileas Fogg's circumnavigation of the globe in 80 days. At the age of 25, she circumnavigated the globe in 72 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and a few seconds!

In the family

The program

??? Around the world in 80 days, based on the book by Jules Verne

From age 6


Dates & Prices

Saturday, June 15, 2024 - 6pm
Cité des Arts Auditorium - Besançon
Prices: Between €6 and €12
Ticket office: Office de tourisme du Grand Besançon
Running time: 50 min.
Online ticketing
sunday june 16, 2024 - 4pm
Theater - Montbéliard
Prices: Between €5 and €10
MA scène nationale
Running time: 50 min
Online ticketing

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