
Le Chant de la Terre


The "Song of the Earth", an ode to life, to nature, to youth, to beauty, is also the most poignant of hymns to humanity. This universal love song by Gustav Mahler at the peak of his art is entrusted here to young performers who are very attached to this work of infinite richness of expression.

1- Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde (The Drinking Song of Earth's Sorrow)
2- Der Einsame im Herbst (The Loner in Autumn)
3- Von der Jugend (Fromthe Youth)
4- Von der Schönheit(On beauty)
5- Der Trunkene im Frühling (The Drunkard in Spring)
6- Der Abschied (Farewell)

Published in March 2017 by Klarthe

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Eve-Maud Hubeaux mezzo soprano
Jussi Myllys tenor
Victor Hugo Franche-Comté Orchestra
Jean-François Verdier conductor


  • Clic Classic News
  • Grand Frisson 2017 by Audiophile Magazine


ResMusica "As soon as it takes off, one adores the Schoenberg/Riehn/Verdier version, anything but a simple curiosity. [...] One loses nothing of the excellence of the fifteen soloists of the Victor Hugo emerged from a phalanx whose ensemble quality has been praised many times since its birth in 2010″ Jean-Luc Clairet

Musikzen "The conductor Jean-François Verdier and his excellent musicians manage not to break the balance between the great symphony and the suite of lieder that makes the work original.

ClassiqueNews "The tactfulness of the instrumentalists in this journey, between resignation, renunciation and inextinguishable belief, makes all the value of this version, particularly interesting on the instrumental level. [...] A beautiful spell ".

Audiophile Magazine "It works. Let's not be stingy with compliments, it even works better than the versions in my personal music library. There is more emotion, more madness in this realization and the exemplary sound recording really allows this ensemble to occupy all the available space with a rather striking relief.
"This recording touches the deepest part of our souls.
"A very nice discovery "

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